Mastering Visas and Building Digital Businesses for a Life Abroad

Are you dreaming of a life beyond borders, where you can work remotely and explore new horizons? If so, the latest call of the “Move Overseas Now Club” is a must-listen. Hosted by Shawna, this call features a special guest, Arnitha, whose extensive experience in international travel and entrepreneurship provides a treasure trove of insights into securing visas and building digital businesses while moving abroad. 

In the first 45 minutes of the call we chat how to build a steady stream of income in 3 days through a basic website, funnel and email marketing system.  You can also join Arnitha’s bootcamp next week here.

In the last hour of the call I go over Visas (Spanish, Panama, Portuguese, DR, and Mexico)

Don’t forget to JOIN THE MOVE OVERSEAS NOW CLUB for PART II of the in-depth visa training on 9/3 at 10am pst (it’s only $47 and you get access to 2-90 minute trainings a month + access to me and the group via whatsapp)>>

arnitha webb

Here is what we chatted about:

Arnitha’s Diverse Journey

Arnitha’s journey is a testament to the power of adaptability and embracing change. With a background in special education, she embarked on a remarkable path that led her from the U.S. to various European countries. From Spain to the UK, Arnita’s experiences form the foundation of her expertise in relocating overseas and establishing income streams that transcend geographical boundaries.

Oh by the way you can jump into her 3-day bootcamp next week here for those of you who want a steady stream of income online (to also be able to use for digital nomad visas)  

Crafting a Resilient Digital Business

Arnitha unveils her three-step system for developing a resilient income stream that aligns with visa criteria. This approach emphasizes the value of leveraging existing skills and expertise to build a digital business that not only meets requirements but also provides a solid foundation for a successful life abroad. She also explores the benefits of establishing a business in the UK due to its low startup threshold and non-resident registration options.

Mastering the Visa Process

One of the most crucial aspects of moving abroad is understanding the intricacies of obtaining visas. In this episode, Arnitha and Shawna delve into the art of securing visas for different countries. Arnitha sheds light on Portugal’s digital nomad visa and other viable options, offering valuable insights into income requirements and the role of digital businesses in meeting them.

Unveiling Citizenship Eligibility:

We then dived into the exciting world of citizenship eligibility. We explored the diverse criteria that pave the way to citizenship in various countries. From tracing ancestral roots to investment opportunities and specialized programs, listeners gained a friendly guide to discovering the paths that align with their dreams of becoming global citizens.

Exploring Visa Opportunities Across the Globe

We took a virtual tour, spotlighting visa prospects in Spain, Portugal, Panama, Mexico, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic. Each country’s unique visa offerings, requirements, and perks were unwrapped, giving listeners a snapshot of possibilities and fueling their wanderlust.

Navigating FBI Background Checks and Apostille Training:

Practical prep takes center stage as Shawna demystify FBI background checks and apostille certification. Listeners received step-by-step insights on securing an FBI background check and learned about the apostille process for document authentication. 

In the ever-evolving landscape of remote work and global connectivity, thi “Move Overseas Now Club” Call was a beacon of guidance for those seeking to move abroad and establish digital businesses. Arnita’s expertise and Shawna’s hosting prowess create an enriching dialogue that paves the way for informed decisions and successful overseas ventures.

You can watch the full episode of the Move Overseas Now Club by Joining the Move Overseas Now Club here. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join the Move Overseas Now Club, I’d love to have you!  We talk everything moving abroad and I give you 2-90 minute trainings each month. It is a great way for you to stay on track of your move abroad and learn the essentials that you need to know. I’m here to help you find your way.

Join the Move Overseas Now Club Call this Sunday 9/3 at 10am - 11:30am PST

If you’re hungry for more insights on visas, digital businesses, and successful overseas moves, you’re in luck. The “Move Overseas Now Club” is a dynamic platform where like-minded individuals gather to explore the possibilities of life beyond borders. Don’t miss out on the continuation of the visa training and other enriching discussions. Join the next call and be part of a community that’s all about making your dreams of moving abroad a reality.

JOIN THE MOVE OVERSEAS NOW CLUB (it’s only $47 and you get access to 2-90 minute trainings a month + access to me and the group via whatsapp)>>

Join the Waitlist for the Ultimate Move Overseas Now Course

Are you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about your move overseas? Researching and planning every detail on your own can be a time-consuming and stressful process.

Say goodbye to the confusion and stress of planning your move overseas alone. Our ultimate course is like a trusted friend guiding you every step of the way. With this comprehensive resource, you’ll reclaim over 100 hours of your precious time, skipping the frustration of sifting through endless information. Instead, you’ll enjoy a smooth, well-guided journey that leaves you feeling excited, not overwhelmed. Plus, the money you save by avoiding common missteps could be better spent on creating amazing memories in your new home.

Get ready to embark on your overseas adventure with confidence and ease – our course has your back!


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